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Technology has changed the world that we grew up in and the future is now upon us! It's exciting to encompass the capability of enjoying a real “Face to Face” discussion with someone on the other end of the earth in “real time”.


The same technology that helps us keep in touch is also allowing organizations to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee costs by hiring unconventional employees like 1099s, Consultants, and/or Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).


Cornerstone has developed an alliance with entities seeking unconventional employees as well as conventional. So if you have experience in the the categories below, email us a copy of your most recent resume in PDF or Word Format. In your email, include the city, state, and/or country you prefer to work from and let us know your salary requirements.


In the subject line of your email, reflect your name and the words “Resume”

(Example: John Doe – Resume) Email your resume to

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What is a 1099 Employee?


A 1099 form is a category of an employee that is defined and used in the United States of America only and in other countries these types of workers might be referred as freelancers or even consultants, depending how their taxation authorities want to tax them.


They are self-employed workers, also called independent contractors. Form 1099 reports the income that independent contractors receive throughout the year to the IRS for tax purposes. This form replaces the need for a W-2 and indicates that this particular person is not an employee. Furthermore, the company, that a 1099 is supporting, is not responsible for paying FICA taxes or withholding income tax because as a 1099, the independent contractor is responsible for paying their own self employment taxes.


As a 1099, you gain several benefits that a W-2 employee does not have. Cornerstone recommends that you research the pros and cons to make sure this role is appropriate for you.

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What is a W2 Employee?


A W2 form is a category that is defined best as an employee being hired directly by an employer.  As a W2, your employer “may” or “may not” offer you and your family health insurance benefits and other miscellaneous perks. The employer typically holds back a percentage of your paycheck to pay your income taxes and your cost of benefits.


As a W2, you gain several benefits that a 1099 does not have. Cornerstone recommends that you research the pros and cons to make sure this role is appropriate for you.

Which One Is Better?


Each person’s situation is different!  1099 employees are provided with the liberty to be more independent while W2 employees are a little more dominated by the employer. There are pros and cons to both roles. However, there has been an escalation in the use of 1099 employees within the past few years.



Cornerstone is accepting resumes now for current positions and positions in the pipeline. Email resumes to
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